
This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully. Download our Policy here.

Yes. In order to keep the property tax mill levy as low as possible all patients utilizing ambulance transport are billed for services provided in accordance with recognized standards.

Yes, as a courtesy we bill all insurance providers including but not limited to private insurance providers and government-based insurance such as Medicare, Medicaid, VA, and Tri-Care. We are non-network providers for all private insurance companies.

We are a Medicare & Medicaid provider. NOTE: Federal law prohibits the routine waiver of co-pays for services covered by Medicare or Medicaid.

The amount paid by your insurance company will depend on your policy, deductibles, and the insurance company’s standardized fee structure for services. Please take a moment to read the “Explanation of Benefits (EOB)” from your insurance company when you receive it in the mail. The EOB will explain what amount was paid by insurance for emergency medical services provided. Any amount remaining after the insurance payment will be reflected on your next billing statement. Any amount not paid by your insurance company is your responsibility.

Most insurance companies will mail their payments directly to us to apply to your bill. Some mail their payments to you the patient. Please endorse the check and mail it to us or deposit this check and write a check to us for the total amount due. Any amount not paid to us by your insurance is your responsibility.

If you do not have insurance coverage for ambulance transportation, payment is your responsibility. Visit this page for information on the Affordable Care Act and how you can get health insurance for yourself or your family.

If you are having difficulties paying your bill we are prepared to work with you to set up a monthly payment schedule or make other payment arrangements.

Contact Captivate Billing at (720) 900-0101 or (844) 821-0101 or via email at

Yes, we accept VISA and MasterCard.

Colorado Crisis Services

If you or someone you know is in crisis, get confidential and immediate support, 24/7/365,
by calling Colorado Crisis Services. Toll Free: 1-844-493-(TALK) 8255


Driving change

SPAD improves access to care through regional collaboration, improving access to behavioral health and other services to marginalized and geographically isolated populations.


Retail marijuana is legal in Colorado. The effects of marijuana use can be different for everyone. The effects of usage at high altitude need to be considered.

Station Construction

Our new Michigan Creek Station, located between Jefferson and Como on US 285, is open and fully staffed! Take an in-depth look at the process and view photos of each step of the construction.