December 28, 2016

Station Construction


August 2023 – Officially Open and Staffed 24/7!!

Timeline and Photos of the Build

October 21, 2022

When you can’t get concrete delivered….. you bring the plant to the site.

Station Construction
Station Construction
Station Construction
Station Construction

July 25, 2022

Station Construction
Station Construction

January 2022

Site work has begun on the site located at MM 195.5 on US 285 (between Jefferson & Como).

July 12, 2021

Final construction documents for this project completed and being submitted for building permits. Work on site access to begin soon.

May 27, 2021

We own the property. Wildlife-friendly fencing will be installed soon.  The area is home to large herds of antelope and elk. After fencing is completed the highway access will be constructed.

May 11, 2021

Closing on the property 5/26/21. Thank you to Paul & Lorri McDaniel for the generous donation of 3 acres of their ranch. Until they graciously stepped forward, we were at a dead-end in finding suitable property.

Soil testing completed for the civil engineer team and septic design. Site is located on the east side of US285 at MM195.5. Construction to begin mid- June with construction of highway access driveway.

Design and project supervision: Davis Partnership Architects

General Contractor: MW Golden Constructors


SPAD improves access to care through regional collaboration, improving access to behavioral health and other services to marginalized and geographically isolated populations.

Retail marijuana is legal in Colorado. The effects of marijuana use can be different for everyone. The effects of usage at high altitude need to be considered.

Our new Michigan Creek Station, located between Jefferson and Como on US 285, is open and fully staffed! Take an in-depth look at the process and view photos of each step of the construction.